How to Destroy a Conversation

I’m gonna lead with the thank-yous this time.

A big thank you to Bacon, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Explosives for having sponsored the comic for the last two weeks. Thank you to all of you readers who went and checked out the blog during the sponsorship. He says he had a nice bump in traffic in the last two weeks. If you’re interested in sponsoring Basic Instructions, please drop me a line.

Thank you to everyone who has used or is using my Amazon Affiliate links (USUKCanada). They are performing well enough that I’m seriously considering removing the traditional pay-per-impression ads from my site permanently and just throwing up Amazon banners to products I personally like whenever I don’t have a sponsor. That way I know there’s never an auto-playing audio/video ad, or an ad for something I don’t want to endorse.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the comic. Progress remains slow but steady, which is fine by me. I’ve moved the progress meter to its permanent home in the upper right-hand corner of the page. From here on in, expect a brief progress report once a week. For the numerous people who have contacted me expressing concern about using Paypal, I am looking into options. You are not being ignored.