How to Not Sell My Wife a Car
This comic was written after a trip to a car dealership. The salesman introduced himself to me and shook my hand. I introduced him to Missy and I told him that she was buying a car for her to drive. Missy also told him this. He asked me what kind of car she was looking for, addressed all of his questions to me, and afterward followed up by contacting me, not her.
We did not buy a car from him.
Note from Missy: I honestly cannot remember which specific experience Scott based this comic on, because it’s happened several times—pretty much every time I’ve shopped for a car, even when I’ve gone alone. Like when I went to test drive a Smart Car, and they tried to steer me to a 4-door sedan and a minivan instead. Or there was the guy who would listen to my questions while looking at Scott, then direct his answers at Scott as well. (Except when he asked about paint color preferences; he definitely directed that at me.)
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