How to Communicate Effectively
Shortly after Missy and I started living together, I attempted to make her a nice dinner. I decided I would try to make quiche, as it is a dish that sounds fancy, but also seems easy to make. I found a recipe, but it called for individual ramekins, which we didn’t have and really couldn’t afford to buy for one meal. I was determined to do this thing right, though, so I popped out to the store, bought the ramekins, and got back into it, following the instructions to the letter.
I guess our oven ran cool, because while they looked cooked at first, they were essentially a warm egg soup. I could tell that Missy was trying to be kind, but I told her it was fine to not even attempt to eat it. I apologized for screwing up dinner. I’ll never forget what she said.
“It’s all right. I hate eggs anyway.”
I had wasted money and time failing to make something she wouldn’t have wanted to eat even if I’d executed it perfectly.
It was a bad night, but I’ve never regretted it, because I made an attempt. Also, she has never, in all our years of marriage, asked me to make dinner.
Oh, for the record, we still have the ramekins. They’re good for eating small snacks out of.
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