How to Assemble a Mighty Team of Superheroes
Here it is, the core of the team has assembled! Sure, we’re still missing Mr. Everywhere, and Stabby, but that’s like saying that the Super Friends aren’t really assembled because Robin and Gleek the space monkey aren’t present.
Although, again, I could make the argument that Mr. Everywhere is present, just out of frame, in every panel of the comic.
Hey, just so you know, all through the month of September (2017, in case you’re reading this in the far distant future), the Kindle edition (See, in this time period, eBooks are still locked in a format war, and their prices are set differently in different regions, as the global economy has not yet unified under the singular global currency, the “Gleuro.”) of my latest book, Run Program (As of this time, I have not yet written my later works, including the multi-volume series about my as-yet uninvented character, the hard-boiled detective Victor Lamaze. How quaint this primitive version of the world must seem to you.), is on sale in the US for only $1.99. (Roughly three hundred Gleuro, adjusted for inflation.)
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