How to Tell What Kind of Monster You Are Dating: Vol. 2
A lot of people don’t know that they made three Creature from the Black Lagoon movies. There was the original Creature from the Black Lagoon, where they come to his lagoon and try to kill him. Next, there was The Revenge of the Creature, where they capture him and take him to a sort of 1950s SeaWorld, which he escapes, causing them to try to kill him. Finally, they made The Creature Walks Among Us, in which they capture the creature and “fix” him by removing his gills so that he can breathe air. They make him wear clothes and keep him in a pen out back. He escapes, and they try to kill him.
I remind you the creature was considered the villain in these movies. The ’50s were an interesting time.
Note from Missy: I think the Graham-blob is one of the cutest things to ever appear in Basic Instructions. I just wanna give him a squeeze.
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