The following is a sample of the sort of commentary Patreon subscribers are getting. Consider this either an inducement to, or a warning not to become a patron, depending on your reaction:
Yes, I love coffee.
No, I've never had Kopi Luwak.
No, I definitely do not want some. The idea does not appeal to me in the first place, and my understanding is that the industry that has sprung up to supply it is not exactly "cruelty free." Also, one stage of the harvesting process looks disturbingly like a Payday bar, which I find disturbing.
Palm Civets, however, look adorable, and if they adapted well to being a pet, I could see having one, if only to give it a good life, and to make guests look questioningly at any cup of coffee I offered them.
As always, thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (US, UK, Canada), and for considering joining my Patreon.