How to End Your Comic Strip
There it is. I predicted that it would take around six years to rerun them all, and I was right. This is nothing short of a triumph for my ability to perform basic math.
You still have my gratitude.
So, now that I’ve rerun them all with comments, what will I do with the comic strip now? The answer is, “Something.”
Will I post them all again, this time without commentaries? Maybe with different commentaries? Or maybe I’ll write new commentaries commenting on the old commentaries?
Or, will I do . . . something else?
Please keep checking the site and see!
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How to Embrace Progress
It is an interesting paradox. You create a product that’s sole reason for existing is to take up space in packages, then you must ship it all over the world from your factory. Logically, there must be trucks, boxcars, and shipping containers traveling all over the world, transporting nothing but brand-new packing peanuts and rolls of bubble wrap.
That must be a fairly low-stress run for a trucker. No need to worry about the shipment getting damaged, and the fuel costs have to be lower than usual. It also would be a real kick in the pants for any hijacker who steals the shipment looking for stuff they can sell.
As always, thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (US, UK, Canada).
How to Understand Generalizations
I grew up in a small town. I remember being told many times that the city was full of crime and violence. I also remember our house being burgled, and that the guy who ran the tiny little store at a crossroads out amongst the farms nearly died when a robber hit him repeatedly in the face with a large can of V-8.
From that day forward, I was just as fearful of crime in the country as I was in the city. Also, I never developed a taste for V-8.
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