It is called Grand Theft Astro, and it’s available now as an Audible Original. The e-book and paper editions will be out in January, 2022.
Now, as for the comic, I really like the first panel in this one. Well done, past Meyer!
Since I don’t really have much else to say about this comic, I’ll clarify something that has been the subject of more than a little supposition and debate: the proper pronunciation of my go-to shout of alarm, “NGAAAAH.”
NGAAAAH is, sadly, the closest phonetic spelling I can think of to the actual noise I make when I’m startled. I think the “AAAAH” part is self-explanatory, but it starts with the sound one makes at the end of a word that ends with ING. Take “singing,” for example. Silently mouth the word “singing,” but only make noise after the second I. You should end up with something similar to an N, but more strangled, and emanating from the back of the throat. Practice making that sound. Eventually you’ll get the hang of it, and any family members/office mates who hear you will avoid you for the rest of the day out of a vague, unnamable fear of whatever it is you’re struggling with/afflicted by/transforming into. Once you have the “NG” mastered, roll directly from that into a staccato shout of alarm, cramming all seven letters into one big syllable, and you, my friend, will be shouting “NGAAAAH!”
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