How to Accept and Appreciate the Ways in Which Age Changes You
To be fair, when I was a kid I think my problem with naps was having my nap time strictly enforced and determined by someone else based (I now realize) primarily on when they needed a rest. Imagine if you disagreed with your supervisor at work and they said, “You’re getting a little cranky. I order you to go put your head down on your desk for the next twenty minutes.”
Even now, I would take that as an opportunity to demonstrate just how cranky I could be.
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How to Find Common Ground
In the font I used for dialog, at the scale in which I used it, the word “Android” followed by a semicolon looks like “Androidi,” which is what they should name the first robot to drive a race car. “Mario Androidi.”
That font is based on Missy’s handwriting. She made one based on mine as well, but it looked so unhinged she decided to name it “Scott Slaughter.”
Note from Missy: you can get the Basic Instructions dialog font, “Boldly Missy,” with a free commercial-use license! You can also get “Scott Slaughter” with the same free license, if that’s your jam. Heck, I have a whole bunch of fonts with free licenses, including a couple of feature-packed new ones!
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How to Turn the Tables
The real Ric and I were talking about going to San Diego Comic Con a while back, and I considered throwing together a Knifeketeer costume for him. Then I remembered that you have to get any cosplay weapons inspected before you’re allowed out on the show floor every time you enter, and that would be a lot of knives to get checked.
Note from Missy: This one makes me want to play Hitman 3, because there are now “hobby knives” lying around for 47 to use.(Though I’ll probably go back to my classic habit of throwing wrenches at people’s heads.So satisfying!)
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How to Relate to Someone Whose Experience Contradicts Yours
This is completely unrelated to the comic, but the Beastie Boys song “Sabotage” is playing, and it occurred to me that if you’d told me in 2008 that eventually I would hear this song and think of Captain Kirk, I would not have believed it.
Also, you could have easily blown past-me’s mind by telling him that there would be a TV series about an elderly Captain Picard that also features Commander Data and Seven of Nine, and that it was quite good but many people were put off by “all the cursing.”
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How to Face a Difficult Task
I’ve been told that you can get pets to eat pills if you smear the pills with peanut butter. Of course, I wonder why they don’t just make tubes of medicinal peanut butter we can squeeze into our pets’ mouths, or children’s mouths, or, for that matter, my mouth. Why am I sitting here trying to figure out a way to make someone else’s medicine more pleasant when I don’t like taking the stuff either?
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How to Deal with a Family Crisis on the Other Side of the Country
A few years later, dad had heart surgery and didn’t tell any of us until afterward. We were not pleased, but now that the anger has subsided, I think I understand. He probably figured that if the surgery went well we’d all either be too happy to get mad or too worried about upsetting him in his delicate state to give him to hard a time. On the other hand, if the surgery went badly, telling us about it wouldn’t be his problem.
There’s a certain grim wisdom in that, which is the kind of wisdom my father specializes in.
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How to Enjoy the Wisdom That Comes with Age
There was some controversy about this one when it first ran, so let me be clear; I did not count Battlestar Galactica 1980 as a reboot . . . or a sequel . . . in fact, I like to pretend it didn’t happen. At that age I could live with Viper pilots riding around on flying motorcycles, but the Cylons coming to Earth to attack Wolfman Jack was too much for my child-mind to accept.
They’re still working on that third reboot, by the way. If it feels like it’s still too soon to you, I’ll point out that the Edward James Olmos/Mary McDonnell/Katee Sackhoff reboot premiered in 2003.
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How to Understand a Flaw in Our Society
Also, the character from Fight Club that men chose to try to look like, Tyler Durden, was an unrealistic ideal in the movie. He started off as the imaginary representation of who the man Edward Norton’s character wanted to be.
When the film first came out, I knew a guy who talked about starting a real fight club. I told him I thought it was a good idea. I had no intention of going. I figured that knowing where all the guys who wanted to fight were meant that by avoiding that place I would be less likely to get attacked. Also, I wasn’t overly fond of the guy, and didn’t at all mind the idea of him getting pummeled.
Here’s a link to the article mentioned in the comic.
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