Here’s an interesting fact! The Kingdome opened in 1976 and was demolished in 2000, 24 years later.
Safeco Field, Seattle’s “new” ball field, opened in 1999. It is now 2021, 22 years later.
In 2 years, Safeco Field will be as old as the Kingdome was! Isn’t that interesting? (I find that horrifying reminders of the passage of time and my own growing decrepitude tend to be “interesting.”)
Of course, the Kingdome was, and I say this with the fondness of a born and raised Washingtonian, awful. People said it looked like a rusty hubcap on a dusty old tire. The men’s rooms consisted of cinderblock room with a few toilets and two stainless steel troughs, one for washing your hands and the other not for washing your hands. Seahawks fans used to brag that it was the loudest stadium in the NFL. They pretended it was because of fan enthusiasm, but we all knew it was due to inadequate sound deadening on the inside of the concrete roof.
The day they imploded the Kingdome I was flying home from a week at a comedy club in Minneapolis. The pilot pointed out that the rubble and cloud were clearly visible out the right side of the plane. I was seated on the left side of the plane. I got a great view of people on the right side’s butts as they crowded against the window and talk about how amazing it was.
Even in death, the Kingdome disappointed me.
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