How to Explain Why Star Trek Is Much Better Than Star Wars
“Good enough is good enough” would be a great first needlepoint or cross-stitch project, because any imperfections in the workmanship would support the idea being expressed.
Note from Missy: is it weird that this is giving me the urge to try out needlepoint?
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How to Find Hope for the Future of Humanity
All true. I witnessed two young boys engaged in the described epic-mouth-stretching-duel at the entrance of a Disney resort where I was working at the time. Their mother saw me watching them and apologized for their behavior. I told her it was one of the best things I’d ever seen.
She looked at me like I was insane.
Who’s she to judge? She’s the mother of two mouth stretchers!
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How to Figure Out Your Next Move
We like to pretend that the cats have some idea what we’re saying, but if we’re being honest, at most, they recognize their names. Like most cat owners, we get around this by calling the cats by a rotating selection of cutsey nicknames, ensuring that they will understand no part of anything we say.
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How to Answer a Hypothetical Question
When I was a kid, my brothers and I would make spaceships out of LEGO and then have pretend battles. I was always coming up with new, powerful weapons, like a laser that used only visible wavelengths so it could go through any forcefield people could see through, or a souped-up Starfleet transporter that just transported parts of the other ship’s engine or hull away, causing massive damage. It was great. I could give my spaceship any weapon just by imagining it and saying that I had used it.
Sadly, I learned that my brothers could neutralize any weapon I imagined, simply by saying, “It didn’t work!”
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How to Play the Field
So, you know how sometimes you have a situation where you have to remember something and there’s only two choices, like whether you turn left or right, or a switch needs to be either up or down for something to work, and you will remember with 100% certainty that one of the two choices is correct, and then later you find out you were wrong?
I knew the difference between the male and female symbols. I had used them before in the comic when I made the logo on the Moon-Minion’s uniform. Yet somehow, when I made Man-Crush’s logo, the first version used the female symbol instead of male. The only way I can explain it is that my brain was sabotaging me.
In my brain’s defense, the version with the female symbol was a better logo.
Note from Missy: For some reason, “Girl-illa” is just slaying me right now.
How to Disguise an Insult as a Compliment
You see, back when most of us only had 4 channels on TV, Saturday afternoons were a kind of dead zone filled with old movies and ABC’s Wide World of Sports.
The thing that strikes me about Wide World of Sports when I think back on it now is that its “world” was maybe a bit too “wide.” Among the things it labeled as “sports” were billiards trick shot competitions (essentially bar gambling), performances by the Harlem Globetrotters (essentially a multi-person basketball themed juggling act), and Simon Says (no essentially this time; it was literally just some funny old guy leading a group of people in a round of Simon Says).
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How to Defend Your Taste in Art
As is often the case, this comic was based on an actual conversation. I had the wallpaper image shown in panel 2, which is from a promotional image for the classic film Forbidden Planet. A coworker felt that it clearly depicted a robot attacking a scantily-clad woman. I pointed out that in the film the robot was the scantily-clad woman’s friend, and was helping her in the image, but that did not impress my coworker.
Really, in my experience, explaining the finer points of a sci-fi movie plot pretty much never impresses anyone.
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How to Engage in Friendly Debate
I do not feel that Sub-Mariner was a better hero than Aquaman. The current incarnation of Aquaman (as depicted in the recent film) is a lot of fun. Ridiculous, but fun. As a kid reading Marvel comics, Sub-Mariner always struck me as Spock in a Speedo, which I did not find compelling.
Note from Missy: “Spock in a Speedo” sounds like an British dish. What would you like to eat? Toad in the Hole, Bubble and Squeak, Spock in a Speedo?
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