How to Explain How You Did It

Basic Instructions is sponsored by Snakehead Games, the makers of the MMOs Star Pirates and Spy Battle 2165.

A couple of quick notes:

Missy had one of her Draw Something drawings featured on Good Morning America. She’s written a blog post about it. Yes, I am aware that she’s a better artist than I am.

The  Amazon Affiliate links  (USUKCanada) is still doing great, and the subscription service continues its slow, steady climb. Thanks again to everybody who has subscribed! To those who haven’t, I would point out that I’ve gotten into the habit of including a brief commentary about whatever comic I’m sending out. Just saying.

Many of you have pointed out that Ruben Bolling, creator of the always excellent Tom the Dancing Bug has started a subscription service of his own. I just want to say that I’ve had no contact with Mr. Bolling (Aside from reading his comic every week). I have no reason to believe or disbelieve that he got the idea from me, and even if he did, I’m cool with it. It's not like I invented the concept of a subscription.